
Camellia X 'Winter's Star'/ Winter Star Camellia

Camelia X 'Winter's Star' in full bloom.

Camelia X 'Winter's Star' in full bloom.

Habit/Description:  This cold hardy Camellia is a beauty for the winter landscape. The evergreen foliage is a dark, glossy green. Habit is upright and open.

Size at Maturity: 10' tall and about 6-8' wide.

Flower:  Single pink blooms surround a bright yellow center and last 4-6 weeks in fall.

Special Interest:  Besides the beautiful, butterfly attracting pink flowers in the fall, the large dark green leaves stay vibrant year-round. Best when used in a hedge, mass planting, privacy screen, border, cutting garden, containers, specimen and woodland gardens.

Care Information: Easy to grow, however, needs regular watering, especially during the first season. Requires full shade to partial sun. Will burn in full sun. Does not require dead-heading due to its natural, self-cleaning habit. Prune after flowering to shape. Mulch heavily and when necessary, provide acid fertilizer when the shrub is finished flowering in the fall.

Camellia Sasanqua ‘Yuletide

Camellia sasanqua 'Yuletide'

Camellia sasanqua 'Yuletide'


 Originally from China and Japan, this lovely evergreen shrub/small tree, is now a staple in American gardens. The unusual bloom time, beautiful flowers, tighter habit and lustrous dark leaves make this a favorite of gardeners. Pair the Camellia sasanqua with the large foliage of Hydrangea, Holly, Hosta and Heuchera for a beautiful shade display.


Moderate growing rate. Will reach a height of 8-10’ and 8-10’ wide. Can withstand pruning to shape.


Blooms in winter, when nothing else has interest- November- January. Flowers are red, with yellow center. No fragrance.


Unusual bloom time, along with the smaller stature and evergreen habit make this a favorite.


Provide well-drained soil, rich in organic matter. Prefers filtered light. Provide regular water during the first growing season. Will require less water once established.Water 3” when the top part of the soil is dry. Prune only in winter after flowering. Fertillize with an acid fertilizer after flowering.