Landscaping with Native Species Part 1: Why Select Native Plants for Your Landscaping?


This is a two-part blog discussing landscaping with native species. Part 1 covers why you should use native plants in your landscaping.

Last month, I discussed why pollinator gardens are so important and some various plants to fill those gardens. This month, I want to share about landscaping with native species. For part one, I’ll share the benefits of using native plants in your landscaping.

While beauty is a key factor in landscaping, selecting plants that fit your surroundings, will thrive in your yard, and give back to your local area are equally important. One way to achieve all those factors is by utilizing native plant species. Before diving into the different types of native species in my next blog, I first want to discuss the importance of landscaping with native species.

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Why Landscaping with Native Plants?

Exotic plants might seem tempting but after considering the maintenance and life span those plants have here, choosing native plants is a smarter choice.

The fauna in North Carolina depends on the local flora as part of our delicate ecosystem. Remember those pollinators we discussed last month; they need native plants as part of their pollination process! Many non-native plants become invasive and take over the native plants. This hurts the balance of our local plant and animal life!


Benefits of Landscaping with Native Plants

In addition to helping our pollinator and animal friends, there are other advantages to landscaping with native plants. Some benefits include:

·       Used to withstanding local elements – from sunny to rainy days

·       Easier maintenance

·       Provide plenty of beauty

·       Numerous choices

Since these plants are used to our local climate it makes sense they will be the easiest to adapt to our landscaping needs!


Create Your Dream Backyard and Help Our Local Ecosystem with Native Species Landscaping!

If you are ready to make a difference in our local environment, then landscaping with native species is a great start. It might seem like a small thing, but our local pollinators and other plants know it is huge! Don’t wait any longer to create your dream backyard. Call Hawkins Landscape Architecture today at 336-848-7164 to get started! At Hawkins Landscape Architecture, I always work closely with every client to ensure they have plants they will enjoy and are able to maintain. All while helping our local environment!

Head over and like my Instagram page for photos and inspiration on all things outdoor living and landscaping!

Don’t miss next week’s part two blog on potential native species plants to include in your landscaping!